Mi capita di scorgere talvolta, sul lungomare di Trieste d'bestate/b, solitamente un po' in disparte, all' ombra dei pini, qualche ragazzo invalido, probabilmente dalla nascita, a causa forse di una malformazione congenita oppure altro, e rimango per un b....../b Nei campi di concentramento di Jasenovac, Jadovno, Pag, Ogulin, Jastrebarsko, Koprivnica, Krapje, Zenica, Stara bGradiska/b, Djakovo, Lobograd, Tenje e Sanica i francescani esercitavano il mestiere di veri e propri boia. ...
Hello, My name is Alexis, I was born in bGradiska/b, Bosnia Herzegovina.I have been through a war,and lost half my family in the British led NATO attacks while we were on a trip to Yugoslavia,I was just a child,I would never want anyone to see b....../b even though the war took away almost all of my childhood and i never did go on a decent bvacation/b to neum or to where ever people go i know that my kids will be able to one day because i wont teach them hate and discimination. ...
Hello, My name is Alexis, I was born in bGradiska/b, Bosnia Herzegovina.I have been through a war,and lost half my family in the British led NATO attacks while we were on a trip to Yugoslavia,I was just a child,I would never want anyone to see b....../b even though the war took away almost all of my childhood and i never did go on a decent bvacation/b to neum or to where ever people go i know that my kids will be able to one day because i wont teach them hate and discimination. ...